Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Leaving Ol Pej

I haven't updated the blog in awhile because I have been busy finishing up my last week at Ol Pejeta... and probably my last PhD field season.  The rain stopped for a few days, long enough to measure grass one last time and collect all of my camera traps and GPS units from the field.  I said goodbye to all my herders and my cows and packaged up one last round of grass samples to send for nutrient analysis. Today I drove my green Suzuki field car back to Mpala, along with all the camera traps. The hallway at the research center is suddenly a lot more empty (or finally clear of junk, depending on how you look at it).

Now I am just working on packing up all of my personal belongings.  I leave Thursday for South Africa for a week! I will be vising my good friend Keri in Cape Town, where she is doing nursing aid work for a year. We plan to have a couple nights out in Cape Town, hike Table Mountain, the go to the beach and some wineries. Even though I have been coming to Kenya for nearly 4 years now, I have still not visited any other country in Africa. So I am excited to travel around a little more, have some time to relax, and of course see Keri.

To add some color to this post, here is a Brown Parrot (which is actually mostly green, with red eyes), that visited the tree next to the research center porch the other day to eat some berries. And Mt. Kenya again, but this time it looked like it was floating in the clouds. You could see the top clearly, but not the base. When I first looked up and saw it, it looked kind of surreal.

Friday, March 14, 2014

the real rains have come?

Remember when it rained for four days straight a few weeks ago and I was worried that the rainy season had come early? Well that turned out not to be true. That was just an odd, mid-dry-season spurt. Those rains did turn all the grass bright green, but since then it has been pretty much dry for 3 weeks (which was good for my research productivity)... until yesterday!

Yesterday it rained lightly during early afternoon, but stopped soon enough for me to make it to my cattle bomas and retrieve my gps units. Just as I got back for dinner, though, the rain began again and didn't stop all night long. I woke up several times in the night, and each time, I could hear it was still raining outside. This morning, things looked very soggy so I decided to stay in and do computer work and wait for the sun to come out and dry up the roads. Unfortunately, the sun never appeared. It drizzled again for an hour or so mid-morning. Then stopped... but the clouds in the distance looked ominous during lunch. And sure enough, as I sit here writing after lunch... the rain has begun again. And this time it is quite heavy.
So I think the rains may have really begun this time... I have less than 2 weeks left of my research now. So I really hope the rain slows down and holds off enough for me to finish my work. Because measuring grass in the rain is nearly impossible.

Other things of note at the research center: this week has been very quiet. Daryll, Tom, plus Dan and the students all left last Friday (a week ago today). And then Esther (from the Max Planck institute in Germany who studies chimpanzees) left on Wednesday.  So now it is just me, Mark & Jannine (the new housing estate managers that have been here since Nov)... and a somewhat awkward young German guy who is driving us a little nuts. When this place was full, I wished it was quieter. But now I am wishing some more people (non-awkward, nice people) would show up!
Also, for those who haven't seen them yet, I have been sharing some of my photos with Ol Pejeta's marketing person to use for promotional purposes.  So look for some of my photos already on the Ol Pejeta facebook page, and more to come!

After all that text, here are a few photos. These were taken during the early morning game drive with Tom and Daryll a couple weeks ago. I was so excited about the cheetah cub photos from that day, that I forgot all about the many other photos I took that morning as well. Here are a few
 This baby elephant decided to try to climb a fallen tree
 A misty marsh and Mount Kenya first thing in the morning
A baby Oryx! (left) next to the adult version (though this one is a male, so obviously not the baby's mother, but maybe his dad)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Canopy Walk

I took a day off on Saturday, and Sammy and I took a day trip we had been planning to do for awhile, but hadn't gotten around to yet. We drove to the Ngarendare Forest, northeast of Nanyuki toward Lewa Conservancy to do their Canopy Walk.  The canopy walk is a 150m+ long track suspended on wires through the forest canopy. You climb some steep stairs at the beginning, the walk along up in the air and through the trees, ending at a platform before coming back the same way.

The floor beneath your feet is just wire mesh, and the whole things does swing a bit as you walk... so definitely not for those afraid of heights. At one point there is even a tree growing right in the middle of the track that you have to shimmy around!  The other cool thing about the trip was the view of Mount Kenya from a different angle. Seeing it from the North instead of the West (and being even closer) gives a while different perspective.

 Climbing back down
Mount Kenya from the North

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Lion cubs!

I am running a little behind on updating the blog again... but here are photos from last Tuesday, March 4. Again, these were already posted on facebook, but for those who haven't seen them:

Tom (who was here filming promo videos for Ol Pejeta) was scheduled to film lion tracking for the video on tourism, as one of the activities tourists can do here. He needed someone to play the part of the tourist, so I happily volunteered. The radio-tracking actually worked perfectly and we found a lioness with 3 cubs hidden deep in the bush taking a nap. They are used to cars and just sat there cuddling and playing while I got some amazing photos.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Cheetah cub

I posted these photos on facebook a few days ago... but for those who don't have facebook

Mother cheetah with her cub. At first they were resting, but then he decided it was time to play