Wow, the summer has really flown by. The undergrads I flew over with all left this morning... which means I have only 6 days left here. I can't believe how quickly 8 weeks have gone by. I will be driving down to Nairobi with Dan's wife Nancy and spending the night there before heading to the airport on Saturday. I fly back through Dubai again and get to JFK at 7:45 am next Sunday Aug 8. Then I will be taking a shuttle to the Newark airport in order to get on another plane back to Dayton, Ohio.
For my last week here, Dan and I have finally been able to start working on setting up this grazing project. We scoped out places to set up plots today. If the rain holds off and we can set up plots tomorrow, we can do vegetation sampling on Monday, and then bring in some donkeys to graze a third of the plots on Tuesday. I'm actually really excited because I kind of love donkeys.
I feel like posts are always more exciting if I include pictures, so here are some random recent ones. First we have a tree hyrax who decided to relax in some old pipes/tubing/tires by the workshop. I think they are really cute as well.

Then there are the vervet monke
ys... the males literally have bright baby blue testicles, which I guess gives new meaning to the term "blue balls".

I know this is way delayed but I had to see these balls!