Thursday, February 6, 2014

Wild Dogs!!!

I have been back at Ol Pejeta for over a month now, and FINALLY saw the wild dogs last night.... and it was a great sighting. There were 20 of them, including 14 half-grown puppies. At first they were just sleeping next to the water tank. Then the puppies decided to hassle some zebra that came to the trough to drink. Some of the puppies came to sniff my car too, which was really cute.

Then, they all got up and went hunting and we watched them for over an hour. First they went after a warthog, but it retreated into a hole. They circled around and the adults took turns going into the hole after it, trying to get the warthog out. But the wilddog would soon jump back out of the hole as if it had just been lunged at by the tusked warthog inside.  So eventually they moved on and went after another warthog... but again it escaped down a hole! I have a great video of them chasing it and will try to post that next if the internet will allow it. They are so fast!

Finally they went after some tommies... but again the tommies escaped. So we didn't get to see a successful kill, but all of the chasing was pretty cool. While the adults were trying to do some work and get dinner, the puppies were just playing with each other... probably drawing attention to themselves and alerting all the prey animals. It's hard to be sleath with 14 puppies goofing off, kicking up dust, and making noise.

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