Monday, August 22, 2011

at Mpala

So this morning I said goodbye to everyone at Ol Pejeta and drove to Mpala in time for lunch. It was sad to say goodbye, but hopefully I will see most of them again... either next year at Ol Pejeta, or in the states somewhere. Tomorrow morning I will go with 3 Princeton undergrads to Nairobi and be on a plane Wednesday morning.

Here are a few last animal shots. The goat roast the other night was very fun-- it turned into a dance party by the end. I have photos of the goat roast, but don't know if people actually want to see them or not. The goat part is pretty graphic as always, but hey.. that's where meat comes from. So I figure if I am going to eat meat, I should be able to help slaughter it.

 Here is a mother elephant with 2 of her offspring. The older one is in front and the newest baby is behind to the right.
 And then here are those 3 elephants after 6 tourist cars pull up to take pictures of them....
 Another newborn baby zebra-- still wobbly on its feet
 Baby waterbuck!!! I love them- they are like teddy bears
 And the baby white rhino again-- don't worry, he's not dead, just sleeping-- with one leg in the air!

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