Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New Car!

The new car finally arrived! And it is awesome. So quiet, leather seats, pop top (so the people in the back seat can stand up and stick their head out). Josephat drove it up from Nairobi today. He brought it to me at Ol Pejeta and took the red one back to Mpala. Dan also visited today and brought Lena, Bianca, and Amy (from Michigan) so they got to see the new car transfer right before they left.

I call it my "new car", but apparently it is actually pretty old. However, it hasn't been driven in something like 12 years. It was just sitting at a car rental place in Nairobi that Dan works with and he wanted to sell it, so Dan bought it for a good price. I'm excited. I have to get used to it a little bit-- the clutch is a bit more sensitive than the red car. Now I need to name it. Any thoughts? It is kind of mint green, so I don't know if that should be incorporated. There is already a car named Kermit at Mpala, so that is out, btw.

On a more gruesome note-- we found a zebra kill some lions had already eaten at and jackals were on now. Then we found another zebra who had apparently escaped the attack-- but his whole right haunch was ripped off! The skin was just hanging by his tail and you could see all the muscle. He was still alive and walking and eating, but I don't know how that will heal. It might get infected and he will not make it...

1 comment:

  1. Frogger (that game was one of the best old games ever)
