Thursday, June 9, 2011

successful day

Today was a pretty good one. I am heading to Ol Pejeta tomorrow, but it turns out the car I am driving is currently missing the back license plate, so I am not allowed to drive it into town until that gets replaced (at least with a fake one). I had some errands I needed to run in town, so I was trying to find a ride with someone else. At first I thought I had a ride, but then heard the car was full, but then managed to work something out and was able to go in with a group of other researchers from Mpala.

We got to town and had a nice lunch at the Boulangerie. Then I went to the hardware store to see if they can weld together frames for 10 grazing exclosure cages. I was worried this might be difficult or take forever, or be really expensive. But it was very easy and fast to explain it to the guy. He says he can hopefully have them ready by Wednesday and they will only be 1/4 of the price I was expecting. So assuming they actually do get built, great success! I need to put these cages out before I can really start my project, so getting them built as soon as possible is excellent. Once they weld the frames, I still have to wire the chicken wire on myself (and probably hire a day worker to help me), so hopefully that goes off well.

I also needed to buy groceries to take to Ol Pejeta with me. We will have a cook to make our meals, but we have to buy all the grocieries. So I got my shopping done too. While we were in town I got a phone call from a number I didn't know, but answered it anyway. It turns out it was one of the Kenyan guys who works at Mpala that was in town and needed a ride back. He had called the office at Mpala and I guess they gave him my number. So we met up with him and drove him back too.

Perhaps the funniest part of the trip was that the whole British army in Kenya appeared to be in town today. We were eating lunch when a group of like 5 British army solders saw us and walked over and asked if they could sit and started talking and talking to us. They said they had been in the bush training for 5 weeks straight and this was the first day they had off. So they all came to town to get drunk. And I think they were so excited to see 3 white girls, they did not want to let us leave to finish our errands. They asked if we wanted to get a drink with them or go to a party tonight, haha. But unfortunately we had to run errands.

That's about it for the day I think. For good measure, here is a cute photo of the dikdiks outside my room this morning

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